In relationships, no matter how long it has been on for, what challenges you may already have faced along the line, or how close you are to your partner, friend or loved one, there are some conversational topics that will help strengthen your relationship with them. Remember though that some of these topics can be very controversial. Keep an open mind and try to see things from their point of view. Understanding why they think in a certain way will help you understand each other and this, in turn, will draw you closer together.
Love. Does love really exist? What does it mean to you? Do you love easily? Have you ever loved someone and stopped loving them?
Religion. Are you religious? Is religion a big deal to you? What is your take on marrying someone from a different religion? Does someone’s religion determine their personality? Do you believe in your religion? If you were brought up in another religion, what would you think of the one you currently believe in?
Infidelity. What do you count as infidelity? Does cheating hurt more when it is emotional or physical, or do they both hurt equally? Have you ever cheated, and why?
Relationships. What family member are you closest to? What is a deal-breaker in your relationships? Is sex an important part of your relationship? What happened with your exes? Why do people leave your life? Do you enter relationships in hopes that it will lead to marriage? Do you want children?
Financial. What would you do if you had all the money in the world? What was the first thing you remember getting paid for? Do you save? Are you on any investment plan? What things are you hoping to buy soon? (This one will help you when you’re trying to get them gifts!)
Educational. What is your favourite book? What book are you currently reading?
Childhood. How were you as a child? Do you remember any life-changing incidents? Do you have any scars? Are there any friends that remained since you were little? Did you go to a boarding school?
These are just some questions you can ask or play around with. Feel free to add other topics that have helped build your relationship with our parents, friends or partners in the comments section. We (and others) would love to hear from you.
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