Long Distance Friendship Messages and Quotes For Friends

True friendship doesn’t care whatever comes between the bond of friendship if it is an ocean or million of miles but get stronger even from previous. Best friends will remain best friend forever and there is no excuse even distance or something else to continue with the real caring. Also now we have technologies which are too helpful to be stay connected with our best friends such as like Facebook, Whatsapp, twitter, pinterest or many more even we are at a long distance from each others. Here we brought to you some of the best long distance friendship messages and quotes to share with your friends who aren’t at the same place with you or far away from you. Feel free to share with your friends these long distance friendship messages and carry on with special bonding and we hope your friendship will remain green forever.
Nice Long Distance Friendship Messages
We’re not too close in distance. We’re not too near in miles. This messages can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Missing you friend!
Not even the greatest distance can end a friendship as beautiful as ours, I am sad you are so far away but I know that we will always be very close.
I want to tell you that no one could replace you because you are still my favorite friend, and I hope to see you again. Remember that I am always thinking of you.
The great distances only means physically separation for the real people, because the real friends they continue to be friends even though they are away.
Friends are like a second family, do not let the distance or lack of time keep you away from them. If we always keep communicating and then our friendship will become much stronger every day.
Thanks to the Internet and other technological advances, the friendship is maintained despite the great distances, so we just need to spend some time to greet our friends and ask them how they are!
DISTANCE never separates HEART that really CARE… Though we may not SPEND so much time TOGETHER you are always in my THOUGHTS my great friend…..
Being physically away does not mean you have to finish a friendship, on the contrary it can be much stronger.
Surely you already got used to your new life, but I still can not get used to my days without you. I know that there will be no friend like you in my life. I can’t stop thinking about you every minute so my dear friend, I hopefully back to see you.
I always remember the good person you were, and I’m sure you’ll soon be by my side to remember all the things we did together.
Being physically away from a friend does not mean the friendship is going to be affected , if two people really appreciate each other then nothing and nobody can push them apart.
Court Order: You are accused of crawling into my heart and high-jacking my smiles with your messages. How do you plead? Guilty? You are sentence to be my friend for life. No bail!
We always had lived the good and bad moments of our life together, I want to know when you will come back again, you do not know how much it will be but I have faith that you will be came back soon. I love you friend.
No distance of place Or Lapse of time Can lessen the Friendship Of those who are Thoroughly persuaded Each others worth!
Some people leave aside their lifelong friends when they travel, but that is not our case because we will always be best friends even though many miles separate us.
I have known you for years and now that you are away I miss you more than ever. You are a good friend and I will always cherish you.
Best Long Distance Messages For Friends
You are very special in my life and I will take you forever in my heart. Every time I want to talk to my confidant I realize that you’re gone and I’m alone. I am grateful to have found my way. I know the Lord will bring you back soon.
Friendship is a promise made in the heart. Silent, Unwritten, Unbreakable by distance and Unchangeable by time. It’s lovely to have you as one!
I don’t care whether it is Monday, Wednesday or Sunday, every moment is boring and gloomy when my friend is away. I miss you.
As the years have passed I managed to get to know you more. I know that by now you will be far away but I will always consider you my best friend.
I have a simple computation on how long our friendship will last. I count the stars in heaven, plus the sands in the shore, multiplied by the heartbeat, equals for forevermore.
Being away from you has brought a definitive and hurting twist in my life’s story. First it was full of happiness and now it is drowning in melancholy. I miss you.
I am always thinking that you are doing well and overall good health, even when I do not know anything about you, I feel that you will delight me with your so many adventures you have lived away from me, I miss you too my dear friend.
I know that miles and distance don’t matter in friendship. But who’s going to explain that to my heart? I miss you.
A true friendship is not affected by how far the two people are. I miss you friend and I will always remember the special times we spent together.
If the days won’t allow us to see each other, memories will, and if my eyes can’t see you, my heart will never forget you.
Goodbye Messages for Friend
I haven’t seen you in a while, yet I often imagine all your expressions. I haven’t spoken to you recently, but many times I hear your thoughts. Good friends must not always be together… It is the feeling of oneness when distant that proves a lasting friendship…
Life moves on, but memories don’t. You may have gone away but our friendship is right here… in my heart. I miss you.
I have a heart and that is true, But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Cause I have no heart and you have two. Take care my best friend!
Message for a friend who is far away
Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
I have discovered gloomy hues, of life that I never knew. Now I understand our friendship’s value, from the bottom of my heart I miss you.
If friendship is sincere it will last throughout our whole lives, it may be that our friends are absent for some time, but that does not affect the bond that unites us.
Appreciating a friend is not merely seeing each other often… What counts most is that somehow in our hectic lives, we remember each other just by even saying, “Please take care.”
I haven’t seen you in a while, yet I often imagine all your expressions. I haven’t spoken to you recently, but many times I hear your thoughts. Good friends must not always be together… It is the feeling of oneness when distant that proves a lasting friendship…
Life moves on, but memories don’t. You may have gone away but our friendship is right here… in my heart. I miss you.
I have a heart and that is true, But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Cause I have no heart and you have two. Take care my best friend!
Message for a friend who is far away
Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
I have discovered gloomy hues, of life that I never knew. Now I understand our friendship’s value, from the bottom of my heart I miss you.
If friendship is sincere it will last throughout our whole lives, it may be that our friends are absent for some time, but that does not affect the bond that unites us.
Appreciating a friend is not merely seeing each other often… What counts most is that somehow in our hectic lives, we remember each other just by even saying, “Please take care.”